As most of you are aware that “United States Census 2020” is underway and is being mailed out across communities. Please take time to open the letter which has instructions on how to Complete the U.S. Census form online with your Census ID.
Regarding the question(s) about race (Question #9 on the census form) check mark “X” and write in “Sikh”, as shown in the sample below:

Please feel free to reach out to UNITED SIKHS at [email protected] if you have any questions or if you need a Punjabi version of the United State Census form. You may also reach out to SSCF volunteers at [email protected] if you have any questions about the process.
Please note you will need to respond to Census2020 by April 01, 2020. We can’t emphasize more the importance of providing your information accurately as part of this census as lot of future government planning/funding/grants will be based on the data from this census including grants for minorities. Please be sure to include information about all individuals from your household, including newborn.
Below are a few useful links:
– 2020 Census Punjabi Language Guide
– Information about Census in Punjabi